Let's have bangs and not tell Hyeri xD & Girl's Day made me stop illegally downloading π¬
The bangs are strong in 2010. It's like every kpop girl group on this era had the bangs and it really BANGS... π
They were chosen as the ambassadors for an 'anti-illegal downloading' campaign, as raised by the Korean Contents Association. On November 3rd 2010, both groups attended a press conference at the Korean Press Center called 'the Webhard Campaign for Downloading Control". During the conference, they explained the campaign's objectives to regulate the phenomenon of illegal file-sharing and downloading of web content. Many organizations are in support of the movement, including the Korean Video Association, the Korean Music Contents Association, the Korean Software Copyright Association, as well as the Business Software Alliance (BSA). Girl's Day state, "We would like to be a leader in the safe and legal downloading of digital contents." While we understand that musicians and other talents should be supported by purchasing their material, we find it that regulation or even the cessation of pirating at this point is a bit unrealistic.
source: https://www.allkpop.com/article/2010/11/girls-day-become-ambassadors-against-pirating
Well, just watched that quality rip of Black Panther leaked last week. This made me reflect a little bit haha. It's quite an event and here's some of the photos...

source: girlsdaydaily
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