Fuzz (weekly?) top 10 #1: Girl's Day x G.I Joe's Baroness, Pictures that makes me take a second look and more

Some lists takes a while to complete. More and more things are added on the sea of drafts to a point that i might forget its existence lol. So every sunday or any day that i might run out of list, we can dedicate a blog entry for our unfinished drafts. Anything new to me that i stumbled upon recently will be considered on this new top 10 lists.
1. Girl's Day Nothing Last Forever Outfits / G.I. Joe's Baroness

I rewatched the first two movies a couple of weeks ago and i recently heard that it's finally getting a sequel plus a spin-off. I can't help but also compare the baroness outfit to girl's day nlf outfits. Just a thought on what if they went full-on baroness but it might be too tight and uncomfortable.
2. Pictures that makes me take a second look

We're no stranger to these kind of pictures lol. I found that pic of yura from 2011 and it's just a bandana that kinda looks like something else. Maybe it's just me but i just found it a bit amusing haha.
3. Girl's Day 2nd year anniversary magazine cover by Girlsdaydaily

I have this idea in the past about making my own girl's day magazine for fun but it takes a lot of time. This was a really cool concept and i hope i can check the full issue soon.
4. A Girl's Day fanart/edits group on deviantart

I'm surprised deviantart still looks the same as ever lol. I already searched a bunch of fanarts here in the past but i only bookmarked this site the other day. Good source of custom folder icons, wallpapers and other edits.
5. Girl's Day - I'll Be Yours Stage mix
A recent upload with over 6k views. I think it's a decent stage compilation but there are parts with overlapping audio. Overall, it's a fun mix and definitely a must see.
6. Girl's Day Expectation but every other beat is missing 2
Another dank upload that deserve an upvote lol. Interesting. Here's part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-lXvkrLE3M
7. GIRL'S DAY Cover Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
Something by Girl's Day and audio that syncs with it. Instant upvote.
8. FMV | [The Journey] Ryu Jun Yeol X Lee Hyeri
First time watching this. I haven't finished it yet but i'm really glad i found this one on the sea of fmvs out there. At the height of reply 1988's popularity, it spawned lots of korean fan made videos that's really well made. I gotta dig deeper to find gems like this.
9. Is this new?

I found this channel like yesterday but i haven't browsed on these clips. It can re-upload or something. But any girl's day fancams are surely a treat and i hope this is brand new footage.
source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmLNEISds5HjVJInaBd4tLg/videos
10. Girl's Day Twinkle Twinkle English Cover / Version
Just found this one yesterday and i can't believe it exist lmao. Still catchy. I wish we'll fan made english versions of recent girl's day title tracks haha. I believe there was a something english version that was made 4 years ago.
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