Girlsdayground hits 5000 views! new theme, progress and more stats

It's been almost 2 months since i made this blog. There's been 40 posts so far. I made some effort on sharing it on a lot of platforms. My recent posts gets 100+ views minimum and my traffic comes from reddit because i also share my posts on the girl's day subreddit. In the past 30 days, here's the pageviews by country
4 months from now, i'll have my adsense (hopefully) but i'm currently trying an alternative so i apologize on the ads that are showing when you click anywhere on the blog haha. At least we can monetize our blog a bit even though it's just for fun.
The most viewed post in the last 30 days was 10 Girl's Day news to remember from 2017 followed by Fuzz (weekly?) top 10 #1: Girl's Day x G.I Joe's Baroness, Pictures that makes me take a second look and more which is weird because fuzz top 10 is just a shitpost lol.
I've been trying new themes from time to time. It's hard to find decent ones and there's a lot more effort on editing html and stuff especially on free themes. I'll stick to this one for a while.
I have a lot of drafts but it's a matter of how i present it so sometimes it takes 2 days before i can post it. I'm having fun. The updates from the past are huge so there will always be interesting stuff i can post. I might try to post non girl's day stuff in the future. I might become a fan of a new girl group. Who knows. But thanks a lot for visiting my shitty blog. I'll try my best to make interesting content.
See you all when we got to 10k views. Hope we reach that quickly ^^ I also have a facebook page now so please like and follow
Everyday, Girl's Day.
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